Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Final Project- Exhibition reflection

Today was our big exhibition. A lot of people came from Wellesley College and from the town of Wellesley to see our final projects. There were older adults as well as kids in attendance. People enjoyed munchies as they walked around viewing (or interacting with) the projects. My project partner and I received a lot of compliments. I was very pleased to see our idea and product have such a positive reception.

Most people enjoyed interacting with the different sensors for a minute or two and then moved on to the next display. However, one woman played with our robot for a long time. She even came back a few minutes after she left to play with it again. One little boy played with it for a long time too. His mom placed him on a chair so that he was the same height as the robot. He was mesmerized. He excitedly took home the piece of art that he created.

However, not everything went perfectly. We had to make peace with the fact that our robot would not be perfect. The light sensor sensed darkness all of the time because the place where we presented our projects was substantially darker than the classroom. Due to this glitch, the motor reacted as if it were dark all of the time. This means that the robot moved forward all of the time, rather than just when the light sensor was shaded from light.

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